Rome Restaurants

Rome has both incredible food and incredibly overpriced and over-touristed options. We highly recommend planning ahead in this city. Be wary of mark ups and bill errors, especially near the top touri…

Paradise Inn

This was actually designates as one of the "Great Lodges of the West" and if you can manage a reservation, you should absolutely stay here. Book far in advance. It's located right on Mount Ranier, ha…

Old Town Alexandria

Alexandria's historic district offers cobbled streets, charming townhouses, beautiful waterfront, delicious restaurants, and fun bars. There are also a number of historical sites to visit.

Ferry Building

Originally the transport terminus for ferries from across the bay, it now still has some cruises leaving from its pier but is predominantly an artisan food hall. Wander up and down the hall where vendors offer mushrooms, cheese, olive oil, ice cream, coffee, and much more as well as artisan craftwork.