Home to the lovely city of Budapest, once one of the capitals of the mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire, this country boasts great food, wine, history, and nightlife

Eat & Drink

Budapest’s Ruin Bars

Budapest’s ruin bar scene is so much fun. After WWII and the Cold War, many buildings in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest had fallen into ruin. Some bar owners took over abandoned buildings and courtyards in Budapest’s historic center and re-purposed them into extremely cool bars. Once in, it’s sensory overload so with drink in […]

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov is a unique, and highly recommended, gem in the Budapest restaurant scene. It serves delicious Mediterranean food in a setting green with plants and trees. The service left something to be desired (maybe not a great choice if you’re in a rush), but we loved everything else about this place.

Budapest Restaurant Scene

Dining: Borbíróság Mazel Tov Salt Stand25 Bisztró DNB Stand Gerloczy Babel Budapest Rosenstein Étterem Fáma Plachutta Costes Padron Szeráj Tranzit Art Café Dobrumba Café Kor  Borkonyha Spago Central Café and Restaurant 1887 Laurel Budapest Vakvarju E’tterem Deryne Bistro Textúra Essência Baltazár Mák Onyx Borkonyha Winekitchen Restaurant Food Stalls at the Central Market Hall (Nagy Vásárcsarnok) […]