Hohensalzburg Fortress

This fortress sits on a cliff 400 feet above the city of Salzburg. It was actually built as a show of Catholic power. In Napoleon’s time it was used as military barracks and Emperor Franz Josef finally opened it up to the public in the 1860s. Walk up mostly for the spectacular views over Salzburg and wander the mildly interesting exhibits on war. You have 2 options to get up: a lengthy walk or funicular (pricier). The funicular runs until late so if you’re seeing a concert up at the fortress it’s your one way in.

Hours, daily:


  • May-Sept; 09:00-21:30
  • Oct-Apr; 09:30-21:30


  • May-Sept; 09:00-19:00
  • Oct-Apr; 09:30-17:00

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