Quetzales Trail Trek

The Quetzal Trail, aka Los Senderos Quetzales, is one of the most popular and hiked trails in Panama. One of its trailheads is located near Boquete. This trail is in the Volcan Baru National Park and allows hikers a great opportunity to spot the elusive Quetzal bird, which is found throughout Mes0-American mythology, and an additional 200+ native bird species. This is quite a trek. It will take you approximately 7-8 hours to complete. From trailhead to trailhead the hike is 10km and extends from 1951m to 2500m, meaning you will be climbing. You can hike the Los Quetzales Trail either direction. Cerro Punta to Boquete allows less direct uphill. We highly recommend using a guide for this trail who can help you call down birds, spot birds you wouldn’t otherwise see, and educate you on the botany of the region. We used Panama Trails for our trip, and truly our guide was a bird whisperer. It was an excellent trip. You’ll start by climbing up into the tropical cloud forest and then follow an up and down trail, ending in the tropical rain forest. It’s a narrow path, though easy to see and follow with certain branch out points for views. There are a few places that involve a rock scramble. Bring hiking shoes if you can and some people appreciated poles on the trail. Make sure to have water on you and a packed lunch. There are no water stations or toilets on the trek.  You need to be in decent physical condition for this.

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