Dubrovnik City Walls

If you do one thing in Dubrovnik this should be it (besides wandering the streets within the walls). It’s an incredibly scenic slightly over a mile long stroll along the 15th century walls of the city, giving sweeping views of the Adriatic and nearby islands as well as the crowded streets and red rooftops making up the city below. If you can start early. The cruise ships and daily bus tours arrive around 10am and everyone flocks to the walls. Use the entrance near Ploce Gate/Dominican monastery which is the least crowded entrance.


  • Jan-Mar: daily, 10:00-15:00
  • Apr-May, Aug-Sept: daily, 08:00-18:30
  • Jun-Jul: daily, 08:00-19:30
  • Oct: daily, 08:00-17:30

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