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Our goal is to plan trips for you. We put together detailed travel itineraries that tell you where you should go and what you should do each day of your trip. Take a look at our itineraries and modify them to fit your taste, budget, and schedule. If you want, you can learn more about your authors here.

Lost in the Right Direction is your opinionated travel guide. We do extensive research on the places we visit. When we travel we’re introspective and critical, constantly thinking about how we could improve our trip or plan things better. We put all of that information together into our reviews and itineraries so you can use your precious vacation time to its fullest potential.

We don’t hold back. if we think you absolutely must see something (even if it’s out of the way or little known), we’ll tell you. We’ll also tell you if something that’s well known or frequently recommended doesn’t live up to the hype.

Why plan a trip yourself?

There are lots of companies out there that offer enticing prepackaged trips for you so you don’t have to worry about planning or logistics. So why plan a trip yourself? We think there are several good reasons:

  • You’ll see and experience more, and your experience will be richer. Traipsing around a tiny village with 50 of your closest bus friends is NOT the best way to experience local culture
  • Flexibility. Too much time at the local wine bar last night? You have the option to sleep in because you don’t have to meet the tour group at 8 am.
  • Fewer crowds. You can plan to have the most popular places in the world to yourself to really enjoy them: arrive before or after the tour bus / cruise-ship mobs.
  • See what you want. Some of the world’s greatest treasures are off the beaten path, so grab a car (or bus or train) and you can go where you want.
  • Lodging and food. You’ll stay in more interesting places, eat in more interesting local restaurants.
  • Save money. It is generally cheaper on your own.